3 Must Have WordPress Plugins

There are three MUST-HAVE WordPress Plugins we highly recommend all our customers install and activate.  We are also happy to install them for you if you would prefer. They are:  OPcache Dashboard Our servers use a caching system to speed up your site and...

Preferred email settings

If you are having issues with email, the first step is to check your settings. Here are our recommended settings for our shared hosting customers.  Secure SSL/TLS Settings (Recommended) Username: Full email address Password: Use the email account’s password....
Server Upgrades Complete

Server Upgrades Complete

We have completed our hardware and software upgrades this weekend. All data and email has been transferred successfully and all systems are performing great. In other words, you should see your website load noticeably faster. A server...
What are you focused on?

What are you focused on?

I can’t tell you how many times a day I yell those words to myself (inside my head – so people don’t think I’m crazy), FOCUS, RON! So.. this little bit of inspiration from Daren Hardy led to a deep discussion with my friend Travis Haley. I...