by Ron Shank | What People Are Saying |
Mr. Nick of shares a few thoughts about Optimus Media. We’d love to hear (and post) your thoughts… especially by video! Contact us if you’re willing to give us an endorsement or share your story.
by Ron Shank | Leadership |
I can’t tell you how many times a day I yell those words to myself (inside my head – so people don’t think I’m crazy), FOCUS, RON! So.. this little bit of inspiration from Daren Hardy led to a deep discussion with my friend Travis Haley. I...
by Ron Shank | Security |
I got an email from my good friend and mentor, Steve Ensley, the other day. I worked with Steve for years at American Family Online. Steve is one of those quiet, humble guys who doesn’t say a lot. But when he does speak, it pays to listen. His email was a good...
by Ron Shank | Announcements |
Years ago I followed a tip from Tim Ferriss’ book, the Four Hour Work Week, that gave me 10 hours of my life back. Every week. The tip? Check email only twice a day. If you are not doing it, I recommend it. Tim (and others) had sold me on the evils of email and...
by Ron Shank | Uncategorized |
Here’s our latest spot that will start airing soon on American Family Radio. Let us know your thoughts in the comments.
by Ron Shank | Security, Tips |
We all want comments on our blogs. It’s the interaction that makes for even better reading (most of the time). But we don’t want comment spam. Sometimes you get a comment that doesn’t quite fit — like a compliment out of the blue on an old...
by Ron Shank | Announcements, Personal Items |
In my email signature is a line that says, “Are you good enough to go to Heaven?” For the answer to this question, please watch the video below. Want more information. Check out Save Yourself Some Pain. Got questions like, What happens when I die?...