Twitter Mass Unfollow Experiment: Day 2

Twitter Mass Unfollow Experiment: Day 2

Yesterday, I wrote about how to unfollow everyone on a twitter account. If you haven’t read that, it might be helpful to read that first.  Here’s my Twitter Mass Unfollow Experiment: Day 2 How Many Stopped Following You Back?  The drop off...
Twitter Mass Unfollow Experiment: Day 1

Twitter Mass Unfollow Experiment: Day 1

My Twitter account has become pretty much worthless. So I decided to do a Twitter mass unfollow or as I like to call it, “Twitter Follow Bankruptcy.”  I used to have the practice of following anyone who followed me and it quickly grew to nearly 10,000...
Redesign = Improved Page Performance

Redesign = Improved Page Performance

WOW! I knew a redesign of our web page was needed, but I was pleasantly surprised to see how a redesign instantly improved our page performance. So, I thought I’d post a couple of things you can do to improve your site’s visibility in google. Immediately...