What are you focused on?

What are you focused on?

I can’t tell you how many times a day I yell those words to myself (inside my head – so people don’t think I’m crazy), FOCUS, RON! So.. this little bit of inspiration from Daren Hardy led to a deep discussion with my friend Travis Haley. I...
Email from Steve Ensley

Email from Steve Ensley

I got an email from my good friend and mentor, Steve Ensley, the other day. I worked with Steve for years at American Family Online.  Steve is one of those quiet, humble guys who doesn’t say a lot.  But when he does speak, it pays to listen. His email was a good...
Redesign = Improved Page Performance

Redesign = Improved Page Performance

WOW! I knew a redesign of our web page was needed, but I was pleasantly surprised to see how a redesign instantly improved our page performance. So, I thought I’d post a couple of things you can do to improve your site’s visibility in google. Immediately...