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Do you use Chrome as your browser?
If you like Chrome, but don’t like being spied on, this is a great choice. I also earned a few bucks this month turning the letting it send me ads. Check it out and let me know what you think. https://brave.com/opt613
Twitter Mass Unfollow Experiment: Day 2
Yesterday, I wrote about how to unfollow everyone on a twitter account. If you haven’t read that, it might be helpful to read that first. Here’s my Twitter Mass Unfollow Experiment: Day 2 How Many Stopped Following You Back? The drop off...
Twitter Mass Unfollow Experiment: Day 1
My Twitter account has become pretty much worthless. So I decided to do a Twitter mass unfollow or as I like to call it, “Twitter Follow Bankruptcy.” I used to have the practice of following anyone who followed me and it quickly grew to nearly 10,000...
How to Identify (and remove) Comment Spam
We all want comments on our blogs. It’s the interaction that makes for even better reading (most of the time). But we don’t want comment spam. Sometimes you get a comment that doesn’t quite fit — like a compliment out of the blue on an old...